Children growing up in abusive environments face significant risks of perpetuating violent behaviors or becoming victims themselves. The belief that witnessing or experiencing abuse fosters empathy is a myth, as it often leads to adverse emotional and behavioral outcomes. Such experiences can lead to the development of misogyny, misandry, and perpetuation of the cycle of violence in future relationships.

Let’s Talk About It (Part2): Of Jealous Men and Covert Sabotage

The boss man who constantly puts you down in front of their superior or subordinates, he takes credit for your work, and/or criticizes your decision. His approach may at times be mixed in that he may explain his actions as constructive criticism or make it seem like he is challenging you to achieve hidden potential. He may present himself as a friend, mentor, or teacher but behind the scenes, he is designing your downfall and removal from the workplace.

Let’s Talk About It (Part 1): Men Who Don’t Know How to Lead Conversations

Person A openly acknowledges being a frequent texter. They have a preference for texting over phone calls, often due to anxiety or their unwillingness to answer calls at certain times or from specific individuals they consider less important. After a week or two of active texting and quick responses, Person A suddenly slows down their replies. Initially, they would respond within a few seconds, but then the response time gradually increases to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and even up to 24 hours. Eventually, Person A replies sporadically without providing any explanations for the inconsistency.